

The copy clipboard command. Copies the current selection inside a WebView to the clipboard. You can check whether it’s possible to execute the command with can_execute_editing_command(). In general it’s possible to copy to the clipboard when there is an active selection inside the WebView.

The create link command. Creates a link element that is inserted at the current cursor position. If there’s a selection, the selected text will be used as the link text, otherwise the URL itself will be used. It receives the link URL as argument. This command should be executed with execute_editing_command_with_argument()


The cut clipboard command. Copies the current selection inside a WebView to the clipboard and deletes the selected content. You can check whether it’s possible to execute the command with can_execute_editing_command(). In general it’s possible to cut to the clipboard when the WebView content is editable and there is an active selection.


The insert image command. Creates an image element that is inserted at the current cursor position. It receives an URI as argument, that is used as the image source. This command should be executed with execute_editing_command_with_argument().


The paste clipboard command. Pastes the contents of the clipboard to a WebView. You can check whether it’s possible to execute the command with can_execute_editing_command(). In general it’s possible to paste from the clipboard when the WebView content is editable and clipboard is not empty.


The paste as plaintext clipboard command. Pastes the contents of the clipboard to a WebView, with formatting removed. You can check whether it’s possible to execute the command with can_execute_editing_command(). In general it’s possible to paste from the clipboard when the WebView content is editable and clipboard is not empty.


The redo command. Redoes a previously undone editing command in a WebView. You can check whether it’s possible to execute the command with can_execute_editing_command(). It’s only possible to redo a command when it has been previously undone.


The select all command. Selects all the content of the current text field in a WebView. It is always possible to select all text, no matter whether the WebView content is editable or not. You can still check it with can_execute_editing_command().


The undo command. Undoes the last editing command in a WebView. You can check whether it’s possible to execute the command with can_execute_editing_command(). It’s only possible to undo a command after a previously executed editing operation.


Like get_major_version(), but from the headers used at application compile time, rather than from the library linked against at application run time.


Like get_micro_version(), but from the headers used at application compile time, rather than from the library linked against at application run time.


Like get_minor_version(), but from the headers used at application compile time, rather than from the library linked against at application run time.