:right-sidebar: True EmojiChooser =================================================================== .. currentmodule:: gi.repository.Gtk .. class:: EmojiChooser(**properties: ~typing.Any) :no-contents-entry: Superclasses: :class:`~gi.repository.Gtk.Popover`, :class:`~gi.repository.Gtk.Widget`, :class:`~gi.repository.GObject.InitiallyUnowned`, :class:`~gi.repository.GObject.Object` Implemented Interfaces: :class:`~gi.repository.Gtk.Accessible`, :class:`~gi.repository.Gtk.Buildable`, :class:`~gi.repository.Gtk.ConstraintTarget`, :class:`~gi.repository.Gtk.Native`, :class:`~gi.repository.Gtk.ShortcutManager` The ``GtkEmojiChooser`` is used by text widgets such as ``GtkEntry`` or ``GtkTextView`` to let users insert Emoji characters. .. image:: https://docs.gtk.org/gtk4/emojichooser.png ``GtkEmojiChooser`` emits the :obj:`~gi.repository.Gtk.EmojiChooser.signals.emoji_picked` signal when an Emoji is selected. CSS nodes --------- .. code-block:: :dedent: popover ├── box.emoji-searchbar │ ╰── entry.search ╰── box.emoji-toolbar ├── button.image-button.emoji-section ├── ... ╰── button.image-button.emoji-section Every ``GtkEmojiChooser`` consists of a main node called popover. The contents of the popover are largely implementation defined and supposed to inherit general styles. The top searchbar used to search emoji and gets the .emoji-searchbar style class itself. The bottom toolbar used to switch between different emoji categories consists of buttons with the .emoji-section style class and gets the .emoji-toolbar style class itself. Constructors ------------ .. rst-class:: interim-class .. class:: EmojiChooser :no-index: .. classmethod:: new() -> ~gi.repository.Gtk.Widget Creates a new ``GtkEmojiChooser``. Signals ------- .. rst-class:: interim-class .. class:: EmojiChooser.signals :no-index: .. method:: emoji_picked(text: str) -> None Emitted when the user selects an Emoji. :param text: the Unicode sequence for the picked Emoji, in UTF-8