:right-sidebar: True BuilderError =================================================================== .. currentmodule:: gi.repository.Gtk .. class:: BuilderError :no-contents-entry: Error codes that identify various errors that can occur while using ``GtkBuilder``. Methods ------- .. rst-class:: interim-class .. class:: BuilderError :no-index: .. method:: quark() -> int Registers an error quark for :obj:`~gi.repository.Gtk.Builder` errors. Fields ------ .. rst-class:: interim-class .. class:: BuilderError :no-index: .. attribute:: DUPLICATE_ID The type of the None singleton. .. attribute:: INVALID_ATTRIBUTE The type of the None singleton. .. attribute:: INVALID_FUNCTION The type of the None singleton. .. attribute:: INVALID_ID The type of the None singleton. .. attribute:: INVALID_PROPERTY The type of the None singleton. .. attribute:: INVALID_SIGNAL The type of the None singleton. .. attribute:: INVALID_TAG The type of the None singleton. .. attribute:: INVALID_TYPE_FUNCTION The type of the None singleton. .. attribute:: INVALID_VALUE The type of the None singleton. .. attribute:: MISSING_ATTRIBUTE The type of the None singleton. .. attribute:: MISSING_PROPERTY_VALUE The type of the None singleton. .. attribute:: OBJECT_TYPE_REFUSED The type of the None singleton. .. attribute:: TEMPLATE_MISMATCH The type of the None singleton. .. attribute:: UNHANDLED_TAG The type of the None singleton. .. attribute:: VERSION_MISMATCH The type of the None singleton.