:right-sidebar: True Glyph =================================================================== .. currentmodule:: gi.repository.PangoOT .. class:: Glyph(*args, **kwargs) :no-contents-entry: The ``PangoOTGlyph`` structure represents a single glyph together with information used for OpenType layout processing of the glyph. It contains the following fields. Fields ------ .. rst-class:: interim-class .. class:: Glyph :no-index: .. attribute:: cluster The cluster that this glyph belongs to. .. attribute:: component A component value, set by the OpenType layout engine. .. attribute:: glyph The glyph itself. .. attribute:: internal For Pango internal use .. attribute:: ligID The type of the None singleton. .. attribute:: properties The properties value, identifying which features should be applied on this glyph. See :func:`~gi.repository.PangoOT.Ruleset.add_feature`.