- class License#
The type of license for an application.
This enumeration can be expanded at later date.
- class License
- 0BSD#
The type of the None singleton.
- AGPL_3_0#
The type of the None singleton.
- AGPL_3_0_ONLY#
The type of the None singleton.
- APACHE_2_0#
The type of the None singleton.
The type of the None singleton.
- BSD#
The type of the None singleton.
- BSD_3#
The type of the None singleton.
The type of the None singleton.
- GPL_2_0#
The type of the None singleton.
- GPL_2_0_ONLY#
The type of the None singleton.
- GPL_3_0#
The type of the None singleton.
- GPL_3_0_ONLY#
The type of the None singleton.
- LGPL_2_1#
The type of the None singleton.
- LGPL_2_1_ONLY#
The type of the None singleton.
- LGPL_3_0#
The type of the None singleton.
- LGPL_3_0_ONLY#
The type of the None singleton.
- MIT_X11#
The type of the None singleton.
- MPL_2_0#
The type of the None singleton.
The type of the None singleton.