
class PolicyDecision(**properties: Any)

Superclasses: Object

Subclasses: NavigationPolicyDecision, ResponsePolicyDecision

A pending policy decision.

Often WebKit allows the client to decide the policy for certain operations. For instance, a client may want to open a link in a new tab, block a navigation entirely, query the user or trigger a download instead of a navigation. In these cases WebKit will fire the WebView::decide-policy signal with a PolicyDecision object. If the signal handler does nothing, WebKit will act as if use() was called as soon as signal handling completes. To make a policy decision asynchronously, simply increment the reference count of the PolicyDecision object.


class PolicyDecision
download() None

Spawn a download from this decision.

ignore() None

ResponsePolicyDecision, this would cancel the request.

Ignore the action which triggered this decision. For instance, for a ResponsePolicyDecision, this would cancel the request.

use() None

Accept the action which triggered this decision.

use_with_policies(policies: WebsitePolicies) None

Accept the navigation action and continue with provided policies.

Accept the navigation action which triggered this decision, and continue with policies affecting all subsequent loads of resources in the origin associated with the accepted navigation action.

For example, a navigation decision to a video sharing website may be accepted under the priviso no movies are allowed to autoplay. The autoplay policy in this case would be set in the policies.

Added in version 2.30.


policies – a WebsitePolicies


class PolicyDecision