
Deprecated since version 4.10: This object will be removed in GTK 5

class AssistantPage(**properties: Any)

Superclasses: Object

GtkAssistantPage is an auxiliary object used by `GtkAssistant.


class AssistantPage
get_child() Widget

Returns the child to which page belongs.

Deprecated since version 4.10: This widget will be removed in GTK 5


class AssistantPage
props.child: Widget

The child widget.

Deprecated since version 4.10: This object will be removed in GTK 5

props.complete: bool

Whether all required fields are filled in.

GTK uses this information to control the sensitivity of the navigation buttons.

Deprecated since version 4.10: This object will be removed in GTK 5

props.page_type: AssistantPageType

The type of the assistant page.

Deprecated since version 4.10: This object will be removed in GTK 5

props.title: str

The title of the page.

Deprecated since version 4.10: This object will be removed in GTK 5