
class CustomLayout(**properties: Any)

Superclasses: LayoutManager, Object

GtkCustomLayout uses closures for size negotiation.

A GtkCustomLayout `uses closures matching to the old ``GtkWidget` virtual functions for size negotiation, as a convenience API to ease the porting towards the corresponding `GtkLayoutManager virtual functions.


class CustomLayout
classmethod new(request_mode: Callable[[Widget], SizeRequestMode] | None, measure: Callable[[Widget, Orientation, int], tuple[int, int, int, int]], allocate: Callable[[Widget, int, int, int], None]) LayoutManager

Creates a new legacy layout manager.

Legacy layout managers map to the old GtkWidget size negotiation virtual functions, and are meant to be used during the transition from layout containers to layout manager delegates.

  • request_mode – a function to retrieve the GtkSizeRequestMode of the widget using the layout; the default request mode is CONSTANT_SIZE

  • measure – a function to measure the widget using the layout manager

  • allocate – a function to allocate the children of the widget using the layout manager