
class ListBoxRow(**properties: Any)

Superclasses: Widget, InitiallyUnowned, Object

Implemented Interfaces: Accessible, Actionable, Buildable, ConstraintTarget

GtkListBoxRow is the kind of widget that can be added to a GtkListBox.


class ListBoxRow
classmethod new() Widget

Creates a new GtkListBoxRow.


class ListBoxRow
changed() None

Marks row as changed, causing any state that depends on this to be updated.

This affects sorting, filtering and headers.

Note that calls to this method must be in sync with the data used for the row functions. For instance, if the list is mirroring some external data set, and two rows changed in the external data set then when you call changed() on the first row the sort function must only read the new data for the first of the two changed rows, otherwise the resorting of the rows will be wrong.

This generally means that if you don’t fully control the data model you have to duplicate the data that affects the listbox row functions into the row widgets themselves. Another alternative is to call invalidate_sort on any model change, but that is more expensive.

get_activatable() bool

Gets whether the row is activatable.

get_child() Widget | None

Gets the child widget of row.

get_header() Widget | None

Returns the current header of the row.

This can be used in a Gtk.ListBoxUpdateHeaderFunc to see if there is a header set already, and if so to update the state of it.

get_index() int

Gets the current index of the row in its GtkListBox container.

get_selectable() bool

Gets whether the row can be selected.

is_selected() bool

Returns whether the child is currently selected in its GtkListBox container.

set_activatable(activatable: bool) None

Set whether the row is activatable.


activatableTrue to mark the row as activatable

set_child(child: Widget | None = None) None

Sets the child widget of self.


child – the child widget

set_header(header: Widget | None = None) None

Sets the current header of the row.

This is only allowed to be called from a Gtk.ListBoxUpdateHeaderFunc. It will replace any existing header in the row, and be shown in front of the row in the listbox.


header – the header

set_selectable(selectable: bool) None

Set whether the row can be selected.


selectableTrue to mark the row as selectable


class ListBoxRow
props.activatable: bool

Determines whether the ::row-activated signal will be emitted for this row.

props.child: Widget

The child widget.

props.selectable: bool

Determines whether this row can be selected.


class ListBoxRow.signals
activate() None

This is a keybinding signal, which will cause this row to be activated.

If you want to be notified when the user activates a row (by key or not), use the row_activated signal on the row’s parent GtkListBox.

Virtual Methods

class ListBoxRow
do_activate() None


class ListBoxRow